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Chamber Connection with Sarah Newell, Eaton Peabody
Wednesday, October 03, 2018, 11:30am - 01:00pm
Hits : 2078
Contact , 623-4559

Discrimination: How It Affects Your Workplace

Sarah Newell represents employers in the private, nonprofit and public sectors and her practice is focused on employment and labor law. She assists clients with a broad range of issues including wage & hour, sexual harassment, FMLA, employee discipline and discharge, discrimination, whistleblower actions, collective bargaining, contract administration, labor arbitration, and other employment and labor issues.  Sarah also investigates complaints of discrimination for employers, colleges, and universities on a regular basis. Prior to joining Eaton Peabody, Sarah served as State Office Representative to United States Senator Susan Collins. Sarah represented the Senator in Androscoggin, Oxford, and Franklin counties. 

Location Governor Hill Mansion, 136 State Street, Augusta